Monday, February 26, 2018

How VR Could Totally Destroy Reality

Recently some friends took their kids to The Void- an advanced VR installation for the public now in several cities. The kids, preteens- were amazed and excited, recounting their exploits in the VR world. The parents, in a hesitant and worrying tone confessed that normal reality, by comparison, was ... a bit boring. Uh-oh. This film looks at how that could play out in the near future... A social worker visiting "VR-dependent neighborhoods". And it gets worse. Written and directed by: Federico Heller

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Giles Walker's 'Last Supper'

Giles Walker's 'Last Supper': A fully animated sculpture consisting of thirteen mechanical figures who interact around a table.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Lord Rees and the CSER: A Tour of Existential Risks

Take a fast-paced tour through CSER's work on biological risks, environmental risks, artificial intelligence risks and more with the Astronomer Royal Lord Martin Rees; Bertrand Russell Professor of Philosophy, Huw Price; Executive Director of Cambridge University’s Center for the Study of Existential Risk...

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Friday, August 4, 2017

Kodo Drummers

The Kodo drummers formed from members of the Ondekoza group in 1981.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Monday, May 29, 2017

Civilization (Megaplex) - Marco Brambilla

Civilization (Megaplex), 2008, by Marco Brambilla. Watch in High-Def, full screen... Brambilla uses active video elements as textural and color areas around the central action. The music on this clip is 'Rites of Spring' by Igor Stravinski.