Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ocean's Doom- The End of Jack Mackerel

"It’s going fast," he said as he looked at the 57-foot boat. "We've got to fish harder before it's all gone." And that is what is happening, and not only with the small-scale fishermen, but with mega-scale fishing as well. Now, one would think that when fish began disappearing, fishermen would back off long enough for stocks to replenish. But the agenda- and the pace of destruction- is set by the fishing industry, and there, apparently, the logic doesn't apply. Exploitive industries never back off. Read "In Mackerel's Plunder, Hints of Epic Fish Collapse", an investigation supported by The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, a project of The Center for Public Integrity.

Saturday, February 4, 2012