Monday, June 25, 2012

David and Severn Suzuki on Rio+20 Conference

DemocracyNow did two recent shows with the Suzukis to review the Rio+20 Conference-

June 21:

June 25:

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Venus Transit 2012 - by Solar Dynamics Observatory

Wrapping my mind around the sizes and distances one is seeing here... that black disk, Venus, is the same size as Earth. And in these pictures, the sun is more than twice as far from Venus as Venus is from the Earth.
Venus is our twin planet; the same size and composition, and a close companion in our orbits around the sun. But because the bulk of its atmosphere is made of carbon dioxide, an extreme greenhouse effect has  ravaged the surface. Temperatures there can reach a scorching 870 degrees Fahrenheit (470 degrees Celsius).