Saturday, October 19, 2013

Thunder, Perfect Mind

"For I am the first and the last. I am the wife and the virgin, I am the mother and daughter, I am senseless and I am wise... I am shame, and I am shameless... I am control, and I am uncontrollable. I am strength. I am fear. I am war and I am peace. I am substance, and the one who has no substance. I am compassion; I am cruel. Do not hate my obedience and do not love my self-control. I am the union, and the dissolution. I am she who exists in all fears, in strength, in trembling... I am the silence which is incomprehensible, an idea whose remembrance is frequent. I am the voice whose sound is manifold. and the word whose appearance is multiple. I am the utterance of my name..."

This is a film done for Prada, co-directed by Ridley Scott with his daughter, Jordan Scott. It stars the lovely Daria Werbowy, with music by John Altman.
The text is taken from a 2000 year-old Gnostic tractate titled "Thunder Perfect Mind" in which the voice is that of the Divine Sophia- the Goddess or Divine Feminine as it continued among the early Christian / Gnostic scriptural traditions, before they were banned and eliminated when the early Church of Rome imposed orthodoxy. The Egyptian community at Nag Hammadi buried their banned scriptures rather than see them destroyed, some 50 texts in 13 codices, and these were unearthed in 1945. Translations were completed in the 1970s. (ref)

Full screen recommended!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Civilization (Megaplex) - Marco Brambilla

Civilization (Megaplex), 2008, by Marco Brambilla. Watch in High-Def, full screen... Brambilla uses active video elements as textural and color areas around the central action. The music on this clip is 'Rites of Spring' by Igor Stravinski.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Kino, by Light of Day, for Hugo Boss

Hugo Boss "Kino" from Light of Day. (Click the HD option for higher resolution playback- Full-screen recommended)

Wagner's 'Tristan and Isolde' meets Kafka at the Brandenburg Gate, with echoes of early Soviet graphics, and Gilliam's Brazil... An advertisement created by Light of Day for Hugo Boss. (An alternative version with a different soundtrack and a voice-over is on YouTube under the same title.) Here's an interview with Colin Stackpole, Creative Director at Light of Day.