Thursday, November 21, 2013

Aningaaq, a short film by Jonas Cuaron

 From The Hollywood Reporter:
During a pivotal scene in Gravity, Sandra Bullock's character Ryan Stone, trapped inside a Russian space capsule with little hope of survival, makes contact with a male voice speaking via radio in a foreign language. What unfolds on the other end of that fractured conversation, complete with a barking dog and a crying baby, is the subject of a short film by Jonas Cuaron, son of director Alfonso Cuaron... the seven-minute companion piece, titled Aningaaq, was financed by Warner Home Video, which initially envisioned it as a unique extra feature for Gravity's Blu-ray edition. But the stark, contemplative Aningaaq has developed a life of its own via festival screenings at Venice and Telluride.   (story)
Full-screen recommended!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


SCRIPTURA VITAE is a short-film based on the artwork of Aerosyn-Lex Mestrovic. Commissioned by the UK's Channel 4 and Protein London as part of the Random Acts arts platform Music by Diplo.
-Full-screen recommended!